Consultants in Church

Acoustics - Sound - Lighting - Video - Facility Design



We work exclusively with existing and new construction churches providing evaluation and design of:



• Our starting point focuses on the sanctuary acoustics

o The acoustics of a room will determine its maximum performance level

o The acoustics will determine the performance level of any sound system

• We analyze the room

o determine acoustical problems, anomalies and limitations

o prioritize the list of issues that need to be corrected

o design appropriate solutions

 To meet the minimum performance required by the ministry

 To allow a properly designed sound system to work without interference from the room

 Note – absorptive panels are rarely the correct solution



• Providing natural, even coverage to every congregational seat

• Speaker(s) choice, location and installation method are key elements

• The speaker(s) determine the amplifiers; the speaker system determines the signal processing

• In new construction, the speaker design determines the seating layout

• the platform ministry determines the type, size and other specifics of the mixing console

• input sources are final details; these can be added as the budget allows



• Provides light to see, sets the mood and increases intelligibility

• Lighting levels direct where people focus their attention

• Each church will have a specific lighting control requirements for their ministry

• Properly lighting the pastor’s face, intelligibility will increase for all listeners.



• Should be designed as an enhancement, not a distraction

o Words and images should be clear, bright and legible from all seats

o When looking at the pastor, screens should be visible:

 with minimal eye movement

 no head movement

• The video display(s) should be sized appropriately

o Too small – people further away can’t read text

o Too large – those sitting close are forced to move their eyes/head


Video Capture

• Minimize distractions to the in-person congregation

• Results in a comfortable, natural viewing experience that helps people feel engaged/in-person

• Cameras

o Multiple cameras/angles

o Equipment selection determines the quality

• Quality sound mix separate from front of house

• Designed with future upgrades in mind without total replacement of key equipment

• Realistic understanding of weekly labor commitment

o To capture the service

o To edit


Facility Design

• Your ministry will conform to the building

o Growth will be limited by the physical space and layout

o You will do things a certain way – because that’s the only way the building allows

o Your facility should work FOR you, not define what you do

• We have worked with hundreds of churches; from this experience we have learned:

o Most churches think their architect will design them exactly what they need

o Most churches wish they wish they could go back and redesign their building (even when completed only weeks/months prior)

o Most churches did not exercise the design before construction

o Most churches have not learned from other churches in their denomination

o Most churches made design decisions without considering the consequences

 Eliminating/reducing storage

 Not allowing easy future expansion

 Accepting x-number of rooms without counting how many they really need

• Most pastors, church members and even architects have only done this a few times, most, never.



Every project is a process of stages or phases. We’ve divided this process into four basic phases which describe the overall process we follow.

In the Orientation phase, we have the opportunity to meet with you in person, onsite. We spend time learning what your project needs are, work with you on the facility design and begin the general media system designs. Our goals during this time are to educate you on the big picture and to inform you on the direction your ministry should head. The report written during this visit provides both a general education of the topics covered and the initial design(s) specific to your facility.


In the Specification phase, we lay out the detailed plans for the initial designs worked out in the orientation phase. This typically includes the sound, lighting, and video projection systems. These completed documents can be viewed as a parts list and installation instructions for the systems.


In the Implementation phase, we support the work being done from our offices, in person (onsite), or both. This includes making decisions as questions arise, overseeing the installations and completing further design elements if needed.


In the Completion phase, the final room is tested, the audio system is programmed and tuned, the lighting system is programmed and tuned, and the projection systems are tuned and adjusted. Training is also offered so your volunteers understand the needs and requirements of the system(s) installed.


Whether we are asked to be involved or not, every project will walk through these four project phases. Someone will determine the needs and requirements, someone will work out the details, someone will physically do the work of putting it all together, someone will test and tune each system, and there will be end users who will require training. Some ministries have very talented people who can determine the details and install the equipment because they have the knowledge and abundance of volunteer time to work on the project in addition to their other commitments.


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