Consultants in Church

Acoustics - Sound - Lighting - Video - Facility Design



Our extensive experience and information gathering allows us to understand the specific needs, wants and requirements of your specific church. We begin each project spending several days (not an hour or two) on-site analyzing/studying your sanctuary and speaking with key people to fully understand your ministry’s needs. We provide appropriate designs and solutions to meet your church’s needs now and into the future.


• We understand churches

o Eagle Sound represents over 55 years of professional experience working with only churches

o We know the answers to questions others don’t even know to ask

• We tailor our services to meet your ministries needs

• We get to know your ministry

o Spending days (not just an hour or two), on-site

o Analyzing your sanctuary/reviewing your new facility design

o Understanding your needs

o Listening to your wants

• Our solutions:

o Address the actual issue(s)

 No temporary solutions

 No quick-fixes

o Provide real solutions you can implement

o Designed to be expandable without replacing key components

• Products we specify

o From respected manufacturers

 Quality equipment

 Long-lasting

o Well tested/proved products

o No bleeding-edge technology



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